Tuesday, June 21, 2016

A life of Adventure: Lessons Learned From Traveling the World

Learning is not confined to the four walls of a classroom. The world has so many lessons to teach if only an individual pays attention.

More than just a leisure activity, traveling can teach a lot about life. Getting out of one’s comfort zones and immersing oneself in an unfamiliar place force one to adapt and to be patient. Moreover, being in a new place opens an individual up to new ideas and allows him to understand and appreciate other cultures.

Image source: hercampus.com

Traveling also allows people to connect and make friends with other people. Most people, during their childhood, were constantly told never to talk to strangers. Traveling, however, teaches people that sometimes, talking to and interacting with a strangle can help them appreciate life more. Traveling enables people to meet many unforgettable people – from fellow backpackers who share the same passion for adventure to locals who happily extend a helping hand to those who are lost. Connecting with strangers restores people’s faith in the kindness and generosity of others.

Finally, traveling gives an individual a greater perspective on life. Seeing the world, meeting new people, and being immersed in unfamiliar territories allow people to gain a fresh perspective on life. Traveling also empowers people to find beauty in small things and to learn to say "yes" to new adventures and experiences.

Image source: lifehack.org

The beauty of it all is that the more one travels, the more he realizes that there is so much more to see and learn from the world. Traveling is learning that lasts a lifetime.

Dr. John Binkley is a dedicated philanthropist and the founder of Generational Equity, an established M&A firm catering to lower and middle market companies. Visit this Linkedin page for more information on Dr. Binkley.